Delivery Person

1.Overview #

Delivery is an essential part of e-commerce site especially when you are running business which involves physical or service products such as grocery items, electronic goods etc. Eventually, it becomes difficult to control this marketplace without a delivery person being assigned for this task.

Fortunately WCFM gives you full featured delivery management system for your store and even for your store vendors. For this, you will need to have WCFM Delivery addon. In this article we will discuss vividly about this explicit addon and it’s features.

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2.Adding Delivery Person #

To start with, lets check how admin and vendors add delivery personal for their delivery.

By Admin:  Once you add  “Delivery person” addon you will get an option here : WCFM Admin Dashboard -> Delivery person -> Add New.

Clicking on “Add new” section will let the admin enter details such as Username, email etc. Following is the screenshot of the same:

Admin can assign this delivery person to a vendor as shown from the store field:

Once this is added, this delivery staff will be reflected under Vendor Dashboard under “Delivery Person” settings: ( shown below)

By Vendor:  Similar to admin, vendors can also add delivery person for their store. For doing so, they will have to Goto WCFM Vendor Dashboard -> Delivery Persons -> Add New

Unlike Admin, vendor will not find store option while adding delivery person because they are suppose to assign them for their own store, have a look here for better understanding.


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3.Managing Delivery Person #

Admin and Vendor will have a list of delivery person/boys assigned and they can manage them efficiently from here. One can goto WCFM Vendor/Admin Dashboard -> Delivery Person. From here one can see list of delivery persons and can manage each of them. Here’s an example of Manage Delivery section from Admin Dashboard:


PS: Vendors will not see the “Store” column as shown above unlike the admin.

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4.Assigning Delivery person. #

Admin or Vendors can assign delivery boys directly from WCFM Order Dashboard. You will find a delivery icon in each order like this shown below:

Once you click  on “assign delivery boy” icon if you will be redirected to Order details page from where you can assign delivery person from the list.

If you are not using Ultimate plugin, then you will be able to add delivery person as shown below:

Pic 1: Showing order details page with “assign delivery person” icon

Pic 2: Assigning delivery person against an order from drop-down list.

Incase you are using Ultimate plugin, you will see the delivery icon under Shipment tracking section as shown below:

Clicking on the above icon will allow you to add delivery boy and relevant tracking code and url for the shipment as shown below:

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5.Delivery Stats #

WCFM provides an interface where you can have check into the stats of delivery operations quickly. Admin and vendors will see a stats column in their manage delivery person page as shown below:

(Pic showing list from Admin Dashboard)

One can also see the stats of individual delivery person by clicking on the respective name as shown below:

Additionally, one can also filter the stats by delivery status ( as shown below)

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6.Delivery Person view #

WCFM provides a login for Delivery Persons as well and they will be able to check their delivery list from this dashboard provided. They will be able to see delivery information such as customer details, order items and delivery address. Here’s a screen-grab of delivery person dashboard.

Upon successful delivery, the delivery person can mark the order as “delivered” from Actions column as shown below:

Additionally, delivery person can manage their profile from dashboard by clicking on Avatar as shown below.


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7.Delivery Notification #

It’s important that the users get updated and notified regarding deliveries. Customers, admin and the delivery persons are notified in their respective dashboard about the same.

Customers will be able to see notification regarding deliveries in their profile under “order” tab. Here’s an example of the same:

Admin and Vendors  will get notified about all updates regarding deliveries  in their respective dashboard under notification section. ( example of admin dashboard is shown below)

Correspondingly, the delivery boys will also find the assigned delivery tasks in their own dashboard as shown below:

PS: For seeing the notification, one has to click on the bell icon beside the profile avatar.

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8.Delivery Settings #

WCFM provides extensive settings which will let the owner of the site to control and manage this module easily.

To start with, admin can manage the notification settings of new account along with the delivery times from here:  Goto Admin Dashboard -> Settings -> Delivery 

They can set the notification mail, it’s subject and content as shown below:

In addition to it,  admin can also set the delivery time and delivery slot as shown below:

For details regarding the settings of time-slots for delivery refer to this documentation here.

You can also TURN OFF the delivery section via Modules section, for this you will have to Goto WCFM Admin Dashboard -> Settings -> Modules and turn OFF the delivery module as shown below.

You may also disable “Delivery” for vendors using WCFM Capability settings, and here’s a screen-grab of the same:

PS: You are also allowed to manage this at group and individual vendor level using WCFM – Groups & Staffs

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