Store Hours

1.Overview #

WCFM Marketplace allows your vendors to set their preferred store opening and closing time along with a day off. This feature comes handy when sellers do not want their stores to be open for 24*7 and want to take a time off in their business.

For availing this feature, you will need:

In this article we will discuss in detail, how your sellers can set their preferred store timings, and how you ( as an admin) can control that throughout your site.

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2.Store Hour Configuration #

Both admin and vendors will be able to set store hours and day off for their own store. To start with we will take a look into the feasibility given to the vendors and the configurations they need to make.

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2.1.Vendor configuration #

Vendor can set their store hour from here: Goto WCFM Vendor dashboard -> Settings-> Store hours 

They can configure the following settings from the above panel:

Enable Store Hours:  This has to be checked if the sellers want to enable store hours in for their store.

Disable purchase during OFF time: Checking this will prohibit any purchase from the store during close time.

Set Week OFF: Vendors can set day off from week from this setting. Thus for example if a vendor wants to have his/her store closed on Sundays, then they will have to select “Sunday” as shown below:

Daily Basis Opening and closing hours:  This allows the sellers to set opening and closing time while the store is open. They can select the time as shown below:


One can also select multiple slots in within a day as shown below by clicking on the (+) icon :

Once the above timings are set, it can be seen in vendor store page as shown below:

For showing store opening/closing hours in store sidebar admin has to add this short code using a text widget – [wcfm_store_hours]

Additionally you may also show store opening/closing hours in single product sidebar as well. Just add the same short code using a text widget –

Here’s how it will look.

As shown above, there will be a message displayed if the store is closed, If you (admin) want to disable this message, use the following code-

add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_store_close_message', '__return_false' );"

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2.2.Admin Configuration #

Similar to vendors, admin can also configure store hours from their own settings panel from here: Goto WCFM Admin dashboard -> Settings -> Store hours  as shown below:

As seen, admin can set the DAY OFF for the stores and it’s timings from the settings as shown below:

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3.Capability and module #

Admin can turn OFF the Store hours module from settings here- WCFM Admin dashboard-> Settings -> Modules -> Store hours.

Also, admin can turn off this feature for vendors by disabling the capability as shown below :

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