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Delivery Time Order Details

Admin and Vendors will see customer’s preferred delivery time under Store Manager -> Order List -> Shipping Column –

If order has multiple vendors then Admin will see separate delivery time for each vendors –

Vendors will see only their own delivery time –

Delivery time visible under Order details page as well –

Delivery Person view:

If you assign Delivery Person to this order then they will see delivery time under their order list –

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Delivery Time Vendor Setting

Vendors are allow to define their preferred delivery time slots from their Setting panel – Delivery Times

It’s essential for vendors to “Enable Delivery Time” option, if they do not enable this then customer will not have preferred delivery time select option for that vendor under checkout.

Week Day Off: Vendors are allow to disable those week days which they do not prefer to deliver.

Daily available time slots: Vendors are also allow to define daily basis available time slots.

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Delivery Time Admin Setting

Admin allow to set default delivery times form WCFM Admin Setting -> Delivery

Start Time: Set this to show first time slot available for delivery. E.g. if you set this `30 minutes` then customers will have first time slot after `30 minutes` from current time.

Show Upto: ‘Set this to show maximum time slots available for delivery. E.g. if you set this `2 days` then customers will able to choose time slots upto `2 days from start time`.

Slots Duration: Each delivery time slot duration

Slot Display Format: This will define how time slots list will display to customers. Options – Only Date, Only Time, Date and Time

Week Day Off: You may also disable those week days which are not available for delivery.

Daily available time slots: You are also allow to define daily basis available time slots. Just be careful, do not add conflicting time slots for a day.

Delivery Time Module:

If you don’t require this module then may disable form WCFM Admin Setting -> Modules -> Delivery Time Module –


Delivery Capability:

You may disable this for vendors from WCFM Capability setting as well –