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Membership: Disabling Membership

To disable the entire membership module from your online store, you will have to  Goto WCFM Admin Dashboard -> Settings -> Modules -> Turn off Membership 

You will not see any membership section in your site if you turn OFF this entire module, the vendors can then opt for simple vendor registration and get listed to your site. For information regarding simple vendor registration click here

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Membership : Badges

You can also set badges for every membership level. Note that you can set the badges from Settings -> Store Badges section, and these can be assigned to the membership from here:

( eg :check the box to assign gold badge to this membership)

Here’s an example showing how the badges are shown:

Once all the settings are configured, click on Submit button to save the changes.

Note: This option is available for WCFM Ultimate


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Membership: Affiliate commission

Apart from setting up the commission for vendor, WCFM also provides similar feasibility to setup commission for the affiliate members as well. Here’s a glimpse of the setup here:

Note that these settings are same as the options provided in affiliate settings, and for reference you can checkout this documentation here

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Membership: Commission

With WCFM you are able to set different commissions for different membership plans. For each plan, you can configure a different set of rules. Here’s a snap of the settings as well:

Note that the “Commision for” option will reflect the same value as set in the global settings here – Admin Dashboard-> Settings-> Commision Settings

You will have to set “Commission mode” and following are the options which will allow you to configure the rules accordingly.

Incase you set the mode as “by global rule” then all the default rule set in the default settings pf commision settings will be applicable here. Incase you want to set specific rules for this particular membership plan then you can use options like Percent, fixed, Vendor sales etc. These settings are similar to that which you will get in commision settings and can check the documentation here.

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Membership- Thank You

This settings will allow the admin to set the content of the Thank you page, please note that it’s not required to enter the dashboard url as it will be automatically appended in the mail. It contains two sections, one for the default Thank You mail, and other for the thank you mail after approval

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Membership- Subscription

This serves are the most important part of membership plan as it defines are payment rules, there are a number of options available here which gives the admin required flexibility for setting up a perfect plan, here’s a screenshot of the same:

Let’s discuss the options available for this purpose:

a. Free Membership: Enable this option if you want the plan to be free.

b. Subscription type: You can select the type of subscription from here, there are 2 types of options available, here they are:

i) One time subscription: Here the payment for the plan is only for one time and the admin can set the amount along with the expiry date for the same.

ii) Recurring payment: For recurring payment, the admin will be prompted to enter billing amount, details, billing cycle ( in days). Also if you are offering the trial period, then you can also enter the trial period’s time and amount as shown below in the screenshot.

c. Payment mode: You can choose your payment mode from here WC checkout or integrate payments.

Incase you select WC checkout then it will allow to process the payments using WooCommerce default checkout pages, all WooCommerce payment gateways are supported here and for this you will need to map a simple subscription product ( as a membership plan) as in this tutorial here. Following screenshots shows creating a simple subscription product and mapping.

Pic 1: Showing the subscription product.

2. WC checkout option allows you to search for a subscription product for linking it to the membership plan.

The above will ensure that the declared payment mode for WooCommerce produc can be used for this membership as well.

Similarly, if you choose integrate payment solution, then it will only allow the payment system declared in the General settings of membership [ Which was set from WCFM Admin Dashboard->Membership-> Settings -> payments].