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Capability- Chat ( WCFM Ultimate)

This is an extensive capability which admin enjoys where they can enable or disable the chat-box for communication for an user. For details regarding chat module, please check the documentation here-

ON: Will ensure that the users ( or vendors) will have the feasibility to chat with the customers.
OFF: This will block the users ( or vendors) from having the chat box to communicate with customers.

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Capability- Fields ( WCFM Ultimate)

The “Fields” option allows the admin to allow/restrict users ( or vendors) from defining product parameters like SKU, description etc. Here’s a screen-grab of the options available here:

Let’s discuss each of these option individually for better understanding:

i) SKU: This option will give the admin the ability to allow/restrict users ( or vendors) for entering the SKU’s of the products.
ON:   Will permit the users to enter the SKU.
OFF: Will restrict the user(s) to enter the SKU of product.

ii) Price: This option will give the admin the ability to allow/restrict users ( or vendors) for entering the price of the products.
ON:   Will permit the users to enter the price.
OFF: Will restrict the user(s) to enter the price of product.

iii) Sale Price: This option will give the admin the ability to allow/restrict users ( or vendors) for entering the “Sale price” of the products.
Will permit the users to enter the Sale price.
Will restrict the user(s) to enter the Sale price of product.

iv) Sales schedule: This option will give the admin the ability to allow/restrict users ( or vendors) from entering the schedule for selling the product in the store.
ON: Will permit the users to enter the schedule for selling the product in the store.
Will restrict the user(s) to enter the schedule for selling the product in the store.

v) Short description: This option will give the admin the ability to allow/restrict users ( or vendors) from enter the short description of the products.
ON: Will permit the users to enter the short description of the products.
Will restrict the user(s) to enter short description of the products.

Description: This option will give the admin the ability to allow/restrict users ( or vendors) from enter the description of the products.
Will permit the users to enter the description of the products.
Will restrict the user(s) to enter description of the products.


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Capability- Section ( For WCFM Ultimate)

The options in this panel will allow the admin to allow or restrict the vendor from accessing different elements for adding/editing a product. For example, you can restrict a vendor from accessing “Featured image” section in the site etc . Let’s have a glance on the options available below:

Here’s a briefing of the options individually:

i) Featured Image: This option gives admin the capability to allow/restrict the user(s) from adding “Featured image” against a product.

ON: Enabling this option will allow the users ( or vendors) to add featured images for their products.
OFF: Disabling this option will restrict  the users ( or vendors) to add featured images for their products.

ii) Gallery Image: This option gives admin the capability to allow/restrict the user(s) from adding “Gallery image” for a product.

ON: Enabling this option will allow the users ( or vendors) to add Gallery images for their products.
OFF: Disabling this option will restrict  the users ( or vendors) to add Gallery images for their products.

iii) Category: This option gives admin the capability to allow/restrict the user(s) from assigning a product to any category.

ON: Enabling this option will allow the users ( or vendors) to assign a product to a category.
OFF: Disabling this option will restrict  the users ( or vendors) from assigning a product to a category.

iv) Add Category: This option gives admin the capability to allow/restrict the user(s) to add a new category for the store and assigning a product.

ON: Enabling this option will allow the users ( or vendors) to add a new category
OFF: Disabling this option will restrict  the users ( or vendors) from adding a new category.

v) Tags: This option gives admin the capability to allow/restrict the user(s) from assigning a tag against a product.

ON: Enabling this option will allow the users ( or vendors)to add a tag for a product
OFF: Disabling this option will restrict  the users ( or vendors) from adding a tag for a product.

Add-ons: With this option admin can ensure if Product addon options are available for the vendors while adding/editing a product.

ON: Enabling this option will ensure that the addon options are available to the vendors while editing/adding a product.
OFF: Disabling this option will restrict addon options from being available to the vendors while editing/adding a product.

vi) Toolset fields: With this option admin can ensure if Toolset fields are available for the vendors while adding/editing a product.

ON: Enabling this option will ensure that the toolset fields are available to the vendors while editing/adding a product.
OFF: Enabling this option will restrict the toolset fields from being available to the vendors while editing/adding a product.

vii) ACF Fields: This option allows the vendors to access the ACF fields while adding/editing products.

ON: Enabling this will allow the users ( or vendors) to access the ACF fields.
OFF: Disabling this will restrict the users (or vendors) from access the ACF fields.

Location: This option allows the vendors to use the location option provided by Geo-my-WP plugin while adding/editing products.

ON: Enabling this will allow the vendors to use the location option.
OFF: Disabling this will restrict the vendors to use the location option while adding/editing products/

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Capability- Types

With this capability settings, you can ensure which type of product are permitted to be published by vendors ( or other users). Following are the options available:

Let’s discuss the options briefly:

i) Simple: Using this option you can allow/restrict vendors ( or other users) to add “Simple” products.

ON: By Enabling this vendors will be able to add Simple products
OFF: Turning OFF this option will restrict the vendors to add Simple products.

ii) Variable: Using this option you can allow/restrict vendors ( or other users) to add “Variable” products.

ON: By Enabling this vendors will be able to add “Variable” products
OFF: Turning OFF this option will restrict the vendors to add “Variable” products.

iii) Grouped: Using this option you can allow/restrict vendors ( or other users) to add “Grouped” products.

ON: By Enabling this vendors will be able to add “Grouped” products
Turning OFF this option will restrict the vendors to add “Grouped” products.

iv) External/Affiliate: Using this option you can allow/restrict vendors ( or other users) to add “External/Affiliate” products.

ON: By Enabling this vendors will be able to add “External/Affiliate” products
Turning OFF this option will restrict the vendors to add “External/Affiliate” products.

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Capability- Access

With this option you can allow or restrict the vendors ( or other users) to have access to WordPress’s backend.

ON: Enabling this option will allow other users to access the backend of WordPress.
OFF: Disabling this option will restrict the users to access the backend of WordPress.

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Admin can manage which tabs will be available to the vendors while adding/editing a product. For example, if admin disabled the “inventory” option, then users( or vendors) will not be able to see the “inventory” in their Dashboard while adding/editing products.

Following are the options you will find in the “Panel” section as shown in the screenshot below:

Let’s discuss the following options in details below:

Inventory: This option gives admin the capability to enable/disable the user(s) from accessing the inventory tab in edit/add product page:

ON: User(s) can access the “inventory” tab in add/edit product page.
OFF: User(s) are restricted to access the “inventory” tab in add/edit product page.

Shipping: This option gives admin the capability to enable/disable the user(s) from accessing the shipping tab in edit/add product page.

ON: User(s) can access the “Shipping” tab in add/edit product page.
OFF: User(s) are restricted to access the “Shipping” tab in add/edit product page.

Taxes: This option gives admin the capability to enable/disable the user(s) from accessing the taxes tab in edit/add product page from where the users ( or vendors) can set taxes against products.

ON: User(s) can access the “Tax” tab in add/edit product page and set taxes against a product.
OFF: User(s) are restricted to access the “Shipping” tab in add/edit product page, hence they are not allowed to set any taxes.

Linked: With this, admin gets the capability to enable/disable the user(s) from accessing the “linked” tab in edit/add product page. From here the vendors( or users) can set the up-sells and cross-sells product(s).

ON: User(s) can access the “Linked” tab in add/edit product page and set Up-sells/cross-sells products against a product.
OFF: User(s) are restricted to access the “Linked” tab in add/edit product page, hence vendors won’t be able to set any Up-sells/cross-sells products

Attributes: This option gives admin the capability to enable/disable the user(s) from accessing the “attributes” tab in edit/add product page from where the users ( or vendors) can set attributes of the products for variation.

ON: User(s) can access the “Attributes” tab in add/edit product page and can set product attributes.
OFF: User(s) are restricted to access the “Attributes” tab in add/edit product page, hence vendors won’t be able to set any Attributes against the products.

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Limit Capability ( For WCFM Ultimate)

As an admin, you can set limits to number of parameters of the stores and vendors, this is a very handy capability provided in WCFM Ultimate addon, and following is a screen-grab of the options provided along with a short description of the options provided.

Space Limit: With this you ( the admin) can allocate limited space size for users. The Disk space unit is in MB, so if you want to allocate 100 MB size to a particular vendor, then enter just 100. Note that only attachments are considered in space calculation.

Article Limit: From here admin can assign the number of articles which can be published by user. Note that if you want to restrict this to zero, set the number to -1.

Product Limit: You can set the number of products which can be uploaded by an user using this settings. Similar to above, set it to -1 if you want zero number of products to be uploaded.

Featured Product Limit: You can set the number of featured products with this settings for other users.

Gallery Limit: You can set the number of permissible gallery image against a product for an user.

Article Categories: With this settings, you can select a range of permissible categories for article in your store which has to be followed by your users.

Article Categories Limit: You can set the number of article categories for your store from this option.

Product category: With this settings, you can select a range of permissible categories for products in your store which has to be followed by your users.

Product Categories Limit: You as an admin can set the number of product categories permitted in your store.

Product attribute: Form here, you ( or admin) can set the product attributes which is to be used in the store.

Custom fields: Similar to the above options, as an admin you can set the custom fields which are allowed in the site. You can select the same from the option as shown below.

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Shop Manager Individual Capability

In addition to the Global settings for the Managers, the Groups and Staffs plugin also allows the admin to control the managers of the shop individually. The admin can do the same from here:   WCFm  Admin Dashboard -> Manager -> Manage Manager -> Custom Capability

For checking on the capabilities of the manager, the admin can click on the Edit icon which will him/her to manage-manager page providing editing options like Username, email etc.

In addition to those edits, the admin can set the capability for the particular member by checking the “ Custom capability” option provided. Here’s a screenshot below for better understanding:

From the toggle options given in the capabilities tab, the admin can set the required permission for the particular manager.

It’s to be noted that once a manager is assigned to a Group, then the capabilities of the group will prevail and hence the Custom capability option will not be available in the Edit manager page.

Additionally, one has to keep in mind that Individual capability set will always prevail over the Global settings provided in the site. So for example, if the Manage Product option is set to ON Globally ( for every manager of the site) and for a particular manager ( say manager1) the Manage Product option is OFF, then manager1 will not be allowed to manage the product of the assigned shop. 

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Shop Manager Global Capability

The admin can set the capability of a manager throughout the site by using Gobal settings. One can do the same from the following path: WCFM  Admin Dashboard -> Capability -> Shop manager capability.

The Manager capability settings will give you number of toggle options from where one can actually choose the capability of the Staffs globally ( throughout the site)

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Shop Staff Individual Capability

The Admin can manage each individual staff by using individual settings provided by WCFM Groups and Staffs plugin. You can assign the capabilities of individual staff from here : WCFM  Admin Dashboard >> Staff -> Staff Manage -> Custom Capability

The staffs are listed in the right-side panel-

Once you edit any staff from the above list, you will be redirected to ”Edit Staff” page as shown here:

From the “edit staff” page the admin can assign the capability of the staff by checking the “custom capability” option in the Manage Staff page. Once checked, the admin will get toggle options similar to Capability panel wherein one can assign the capabilities of the Staffs.

Like vendor settings if you are changing any particular capability of a staff individually, it over-writes the priority set Globally ( from the capabilities menu). Thus for example, if your Manage Product  option in the capabilities tab as ON globally, and for a particular Staff ( say Staff 1) you have turned the option as OFF, then that particular Staff ( Staff 1) will not be allowed to manage the product of the vendor he/she is assigned to.