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Shop Staff Capability

WCFM Marketplace allows a unique user level called “Staff” which allows the admin to associate them with vendor. Similar to vendor(s), WCFM Marketplace gives admin full access to control the capability of the Staffs assigned in the site.  The admin can manage Staff globally or individually depending upon their needs.

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Capability Notice ( For WCFM Ultimate)

i) Notice: This option gives admin the capability to allow/disallow the user(s) from receiving notice.

ON: User(s) can receive notices.
OFF: User(s) will not be able to receive notices.

ii) Topic reply: This option gives admin the capability to allow/disallow the user(s) from responding to the topics raised by their customers.

ON: User(s) can respond to the topics raised by their customers.
OFF: User(s) can’t respond to the topics raised by their customers.

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Capability Invoice

i) Store Invoice : This option gives admin the capability to allow/disallow the user(s) to generate invoices for their store.

ON: User(s) can generate invoices.
OFF: User(s) can’t generate invoices.

ii) Commission Invoice: This option gives admin the capability to allow/disallow the user(s) to generate orderwise commission invoice.

ON: User(s) can generate orderwise commission invoices.
OFF: User(s) can generate orderwise commission invoices.

iii) PDF Packing Slip: This option gives admin the capability to allow/disallow the user(s) to generate PDF packing slip of the orders placed.

ON: User(s) can generate PDF packing slip of the orders placed.
OFF: User(s) can generate PDF packing slip of the orders placed.